Wednesday, June 23, 2010

UMAR ABDUL AZIZ : Pembayang Khalifah Ar-rasyidin

Umar B Abdul Aziz merupakan khalifah yg ke-6 semasa pemerintahan Bani Umaiyyah. Beliau mempunyai keperibadian yang tinggi, disukai ramai dan warak yang diwarisi dari datuknya Saidina Umar b Al-Khatab.setelah dilantik sebagai khalifah, Baginda amat berhati-hati dengan harta terutamanya yang melibatkan harta rakyat. Sesungguhnya kisah Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz yang menyediakan dua lilin di rumahnya, satu untuk kegunaan urusan negara dan satu lagi untuk kegunaan keluarga sendiri tentunya telah diketahui umum dan tidak perlu diulang-ulang.

Sebagai seorang yang zuhud, kehidupannya semasa menjadi Gabenor Madinah dan Khalifah adalah sama seperti kehdupannya semasa menjadi rakyat biasa. Harta yang ada termasuk barang perhiasan isterinya diserahkan kepada Baitulmal dan segala perbelanjaan negara berdasarkan konsep jimat-cermat dan berhati-hati atas alasan ia adalah harta rakyat. Ini terbukti apabila beliau dengan tegasnya menegur dan memecat pegawai yang boros dan segala bentuk jamuan negara tidak dibenarkan menggunakan harta kerajaan.

sebelum beliau menjadi khalifah beliau pernah diminta nasihat berkenaan isu pembakaran kapal2 yg telah dilakukan oleh panglima tariq b ziyad.beliau merasakan tindakan panglima Tariq b ziyad ialah tindakan yg betul.namun khalifah yg memerintah pada masa itu tetAp menyuruh tariq b ziyad pulang ke damsyik utk dibicarakan walaupn sepanyol dpt dikalahkan oleh panglima trsebut. (nak tahu lbih lanjut sila rujuk dinovel dibawah)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tariq bin Ziyad: the Great Muslim Commander

At the time of victory over Spain, Moosa bin Nasir, who was the commander of the Muslim arm in Africa, determined to capture Europe. He sent his slave Tariq bin Ziyad with a small group of people to Spain for spying.
When Tariq reached Spain and observed the enemy from every angle he understood that they were bent upon attacking the Muslims. Tariq thought that if he sends a report to his chief and awaits his response the enemy might become alert. So he ordered his men to burn down the ships in which they had reached the coast of Spain. When the ships began to burn, some took exception to that act and said, “You have made us shelter less by burning our ships. Now we cannot return to our homes.”
Tariq replied, “The Muslim is not like a bird, which has a particular nest.”
Then he got up, stood in the valley which today is known by the name of Gibraltar. Before his eyes the sea was roaring loudly. He delivered such a forceful speech that the audience could hear only his words even in the midst of the lashing of the ocean waves. The sea had, perhaps, become silent.
Tariq said,“Brother! The roaring sea is behind you and the army of the enemy in front of you. Your enemy has heaps of foodstuff and arms whereas you have only that which you can snatch from them with the strength of your hands. You do not have any armor except the swords hanging on your waists.”
This forceful speech inspired much courage in the Muslim warriors. Their blood began to boil in fervor and they forced the enemy to surrender in a very short time as a result of their fearless fighting. Spain was conquered in this way.

“Brother! The roaring sea is behind you and the army of the enemy in front of you. Your enemy has heaps of foodstuff and arms whereas you have only that which you can snatch from them with the strength of your hands. You do not have any armor except the swords hanging on your waists.”